Monday, May 17, 2010

The plant gardenia is it only a outside plant?

Nope.... if you live in the upper midwest like me, the only way you'll ever have a gardenia is inside. People may put them outside for the summer, but otherwise they can only be kept indoors. I've included a link to help in regards to Gardenias as indoor plants.

The plant gardenia is it only a outside plant?
Certainly the possibility exists for a gardenia bush to live indoors, but by natures design they aren't strictly meant to.

Besides that, when in bloom they add so much great fragrance to an area. I prefer the white dwarfs and planted rows of them along a walk leading to a front door.

If you're interest is in having that fragrance indoors, just cut a flower or two when the bush is in bloom, or buy gardenia scents meant for indoor use.

Rev. Steven

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