Thursday, May 20, 2010

When in the fall do you trim flowering shrubs?

FYI - For Southern states and specifically the Lorepetalum (Sp?) bush? Also, the Gardenia Bush? Does it need to be before or after a frost?

When in the fall do you trim flowering shrubs?
It depends on the shrub in question. Some shrubs, like rhododendrons, start to "build" next year's flowering buds in the summer, and should be pruned just after they bloom. Other shrubs should be pruned while they are dormant, as a rule, which is usually after the soil gets cold. A freeze doesn't matter much if the soil hasn't cooled down; they usually go together, but not always.

According to the University of Florida Extension service, gardenias pruned after October 1 will likely have decreased blooming. Pruning loropetalum should be done after the plant is dormant in the fall.

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