Saturday, November 14, 2009

My gardenia is dying I just planted it. What do I do?

I bought a patio gardenia tree planted it on Aug 13, and it is lossing its leaves like its not geting any water whats up??

My gardenia is dying I just planted it. What do I do?
Gardenias are very prone to iron chlorosis. Iron deficiency in gardenias can be recognized by yellowed leaves with dark green veins, which appears most prominent on the newest growth first. You can add an iron /sulfur product to supply the needed iron and to keep it relatively "available" by acidifying the soil, but you also need to start out with a planting mix that is all organic matter, including peat moss and bark mulch. Truth is, you probably should grow your gardenia in a container if you live in an alkaline soil area. If your problem is other than iron chlorosis, it may be thrips. Look the leaves over carefully with a good magnifying glass, especially the undersides. Thrips are slender, fast moving insects that range in color from pale yellow to black.They have narrow,fringed wings. They do their damage with sucking mouth-parts. If you can determine that thrips are the problem, they can be controlled with horticultural oil or neem products. Garlic tea and seaweed sprays are very effective.
Reply:Gardenias(as well as Azaleas and Camellias) like to be planted high. If they are planted too deeply they will die. They don't like their surface roots to be buried. I know it will look a little funny but the plant will be happier. If you think that could have been the case, carefully pull it up and replant it higher.

Good luck :-)
Reply:2 things maybe:

The roots are dry because the soil isn't packed good around the roots, so when you water, the water just travels by the roots and out the bottom.

Or ants in the pot (you need to remove it from the pot to see). Flush them out and re-pot.

Good luck.
Reply:Most people tend to over water gardenias. If the leaves are turning yellow and dropping that is a sure sign of over watering.
Reply:They need more iron than most plants.

Get a fertilizer for Gardenia.

Up root and replant them if necessay.
Reply:Most gardenias also like part shade, say morning sun afternoon shade. And make sure you are not overwatering or underwatering it.

adult teeth

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