Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My gardenia houseplant gets lots of buds but they fall off before they open up. What could cause this?

Are they little white bugs that you can barely see? My mom has a gardenia plant that gets these little white mites on it and she gets a bowl with some stuff she got at the gardening store and dips the leave in it to kill the bugs. The bugs are most likely the culprit.

However, you may not be watering it enough or it may be getting too much sun. It's certainly one of these three things that is your problem.

My gardenia houseplant gets lots of buds but they fall off before they open up. What could cause this?
is it getting enough sun? enough water? does it have bugs? do you fertilize lightly? does it get to much sun? to much water? to much fert?

try looking at the big picture and resolving the problem through deduction.

hope this helps.

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