Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is it possible to train a gardenia plant into a gardenia tree and how do i it?

Hey Katie Bug,

Gardenia plants are very sensitive plants. If you have one growing nicely, then just prune a little at a time. First remove the bottome lower branches that will give it more of a Trunk. Only a couple at a time. Let it go for 3 months, then if there are more lower branches to remove, take a couple more.

When you cut a branch off - cut near the Collar but don't damage the Collar. The plant will seal off the cut eventually, by growing over the cut. This is known as compartmentalizing. The wound will always be there but it will not allow rot, mold, disease, etc. in after the plant seals the wound.

Below I have posted my Blog - where I pruned a Wax Myrtle as you are attempting to. There are web sites posted on the blog, and pictures of Before and After. The Wax Myrtle is not as sensitive a plant, so I was able to remove 75% of the branches that will be removed in one pruning event. You should only remove 10% at the most in any one event, because of the Gardenia sensitivity. Revisit your Gardenia each 3 months, and in 18 months, you will have a 'tree' look. However small or large. Then the rest is maintenance pruning.

Be sure to get your gardenia on a proper fertilizer and soil pH. That will ensure it's health, and abiltiy to seal the wounds you will make.

Fitness Shoes

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