Monday, May 17, 2010

How do i make essential oil out of gardenia flowers?

You can't.

But, what you can do is make a scented oil out of them. I haven't tried it with gardenias, but I make scented oils out of other herbs/flowers/plant bits..

Take a clean mason jar (or peanut butter jar, or any other medium sized jar except for a pickle jar - I've never found a way to get rid of the pickle smell!) and fill it with your flowers. Take a carrier oil (I like jojoba, but any non or light scented carrier with a long shelf life will work) and moisten the flowers. Add more flowers. Add more oil. Keep doing that until the jar is full, or you've added as much oil as you think you'll use. Let it sit for a couple of weeks, strain the flowers out, and you'll have scented oil.

How do i make essential oil out of gardenia flowers?
I wish I knew! I love gardenias!

Perhaps you could ask at your local aromatherapy store, or contact an aromatherapy group or expert in your area who can tell you how to create your own essential oils.

Like most oils, it takes *a lot* of the particular plant to produce only a small amount of oil. So I'm thinking that you would need a fair few gardenias. It might be one of those scenarios where it's simpler to just bite the bullet and buy some gardernia essential oil than to go to all the trouble.

Good luck! :-)
Reply:Here you go:

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