Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the best way to take care of an african violet and a gardenia?

To care for African Violets always water from the bottom of the pot. Fill the tray the flower pot is in up with water. You can feed the plants at the same time. I use the liquid fertilizer specifically for violets, 7 drops to 4 cups of water. Check the tray about every 5 to 15 minutes to see if the water has been absorbed by the plant. After 30 minutes empty any water left in the tray. Wait until the soil of the African Violet has dried out before watering again. I don't know how to care for gardenia.

What is the best way to take care of an african violet and a gardenia?
There are also pots specially made for african violets. They are a two pot system, where you put the water in the bottom pot, and the top pot soaks in the water as needed. They work very well for me. Report It

Reply:they pretty care of thereself. just keep area clean
Reply:megan s gave a great answer. water the african violet from the bottom. they dont like water on their leaves. they like a lot of sun and they like to be root bound.

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