Saturday, November 19, 2011

I just bought a gardenia plant. The instuctions are in deutsch, so I´ve no idea how to make it grow and bloom

I know I should grow it in a container, but how much water do I give it, and what kind of sun/no sunlight?

Thank you!

I just bought a gardenia plant. The instuctions are in deutsch, so I´ve no idea how to make it grow and bloom
They like high humidity and high light intensity, but keep it relatively cool (especially at night, it likes to be around 60 degrees). Mist them often with a spray bottle, and keep the soil acid (look for azalea or acid-loving plant food).

Don't be upset if it dies or starts dropping leaves...those things aren't easy to keep alive indoors, especially when they're young. If you keep them too wet, they'll get gnats (let it dry out a little to kill off the babies), and if they're too dry, watch out for spider mites--little webbing between where the leaves meet the stem. If this happens, give your plants a shower (literally, stick them in the shower for a few minutes)

As with most house plants, stick your finger in the soil about an inch. If it feels dry, water it thoroughly (make sure you dump out any water that drains out the bottom, though). If it still feels moist, give it another day or two.

Hope this helps, good luck!
Reply:Ask at the place where you bought it! or look it up on the web. I think gardenias are from a warm climate, so unless you live in the south, yours may not last the winter. But you can enjoy it now!
Reply:Call the shop you bought it from. They should be happy to help you!

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