Saturday, November 19, 2011

My gardenia has not bloomed sense i bought over a year ago what am I doing wrong?

i have trimmed it, and i water it all the time its very green its just grownin leaves what can i do to make it bloom?

My gardenia has not bloomed sense i bought over a year ago what am I doing wrong?
Gardenia requirements are very exact, and to insure your plants continued bloom, these needs must be met.

Full sun, with some shading in the summer (in the hottest areas)

An acid soil with a pH between 5 and 6

Keep the soil moist, but never soggy

Humidity, or daily misting

Heavy feeding

**Cool night temperatures**

LIGHT: Bright indirect light (near any window).

TEMPERATURE: 50 to 82F. Can tolerate 32 without damage.

WATER: Water thoroughly, allowing water to stand in tray, but don't allow roots to continually stand in water. Keep in mind that over watering is a common mistake that can permanently damage your plant.

HUMIDITY: High (60% or more) Your Italian terracotta will help maintain a proper humidity level by allowing evaporation to take place through the pores of the pot. It is also a good idea to keep water in the tray below the pot. A cool sunroom, bathroom, laundry room, or any other high humidity area in your house would be a good location

SAVING THE PLANTS FOR OUTSIDE: Your Gardenia can be placed outside in the spring in a well lit but shady location. It can remain outside well into the autumn season until the temperature starts approaching 40 degrees where it must be brought inside.

GETTING YOUR GARDENIA TO RE-BLOOM: Gardenias need cool nights (50-55 degrees) for the formation of flower buds. Spring and autumn are the perfect time to achieve this.

COMMON PROBLEMS: The most common problem encountered is bud drop. Flower buds abort and drop off just before they open. Common causes include low humidity, over watering, under watering, insufficient light and high temperatures (night temperatures between 50 and 55 ° F)

Reply:Ever heard of pollination ? You need another bush and possible 2-3 more ,they will not bloom with just one bush.Corn won't produce with only one row of corn??Strange but true?
Reply:I have only one small shrub and it blooms so much. I have followed the following instructions and I am really happy with my blooming Gardenia.

Gardenias are popular shrubs and ornamentals in the southern part of the United States where severe cold won't damage the plants. Plants always seem to have more blooms at the time you receive them than any other time in their life due to less than favorable growing conditions in most homes.

Gardenias thrive on 68-74 degrees F temperatures in the day, and 60 degrees F evening temperatures. Plants prefer full sun indoors; if grown outdoors for the spring, summer and early fall, keep plants in partial shade. An east or covered west porch will be satisfactory.

High humidity is essential to gardenia care. Avoid misting the foliage, though, as leaf spot fungal problems will develop. The soil should be kept uniformly moist, but don’t overwater. A loose, well-drained organic soil is recommended.

Fertilize monthly between April and November with an acid fertilizer.

Check regularly for insects and other pests such as aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips and scales. Follow recommended control practices if pest problems occur.

The most irritating problem encountered with gardenias is "bud drop,"when flower buds abort just before blooming. Common causes include low humidity, over-watering, under-watering, insufficient light high temperatures, rapid temperature fluctuations, cold drafts or change in plant locations. In other words, gardenias are temperamental!

Plants that do not set flower buds may be experiencing too much warmth.

Disease Problems:

Canker (fungus--Phomopsis gardeniae)

One of the most common gardenia diseases, canker is identifiable by a main stem swollen near or below the soil line. The bark also becomes corky and contains numerous longitudinal cracks in the cankered area. The stem above the canker is bright yellow in contrast to normal greenish white. If the humidity is high, a yellowish substance may be seen on the surface. Affected plants are stunted and die slowly. Destroy all diseased plants to prevent spread of the disease. Place new plants in a different location. Disease is easily spread on propagating knives.

Bacterial Leaf Spot (bacteria--Pseudomonas gardeniae, Xanthomonas campestris cv. Maculifolium-gardeniae)

Small, round ovoid spots on young, tender leaves are the first sign of bacterial leaf spot. As the spots enlarge, the center is at first pale yellow and later becomes reddish-brown surrounded by a yellow halo. Margins of the lesions are thickened and water-soaked in appearance. Spots may coalesce to form large, irregularly shaped spots. Severe infection may cause defoliation. Avoid overhead watering. The disease is spread by taking cuttings from infected plants. Use sterilized soil and pots.

Rhizoctonia Leaf Spot (fungus--Rhizoctonia spp.)

Leaves infected with this fungal leaf spot disease have tan to brown spots up to 1/4 inch in diameter. Spots are circular and zoned. The disease begins on the older leaves and spreads upward when the plants are watered excessively or when air circulates poorly because of overcrowding. Diseased leaves should be destroyed and sterilized soil should be used. Disease-free plants should be used for propagation. Avoid wetting foliage when watering.

Leaf Spot (fungi--Cercospora spp., Phyllosticta spp.)

These fungi cause spots of various sizes on leaves throughout the year. Spots may be small, dark-brown necrotic areas surrounded by a yellow halo. In severe cases, premature leaf drop may occur. Control is obtained by spraying with a folia fungicide at regular intervals.

Sooty Mold (fungus--Capnodium spp.)

Sooty mold causes black, thin layers of the fungus to form over the upper surface of the leaves. Sooty mold is caused by a fungus that grows on sugary exudates from white flies. Control white fly.

Bud Drop:

Bud drop, the abnormal dropping of buds, occurs during periods of high night temperatures or during periods of low light intensity. Some bud drop is a natural condition. Every effort should be made to keep the soil uniformly moist, but not wet, during flowering.

Powdery Mildew (fungus--Erysiphe polygoni)

Powdery mildew is characterized by white, powdery spots on leaves. Use preventive fungicide.

Other Diseases:

Root Knot Nematode, Cotton Root Rot, Crown Gall and Mushroom Root Rot

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