Monday, May 11, 2009

How do you take cuttings from a gardenia plant?

i would like to know how do you take cuttings from a gardenia plant

How do you take cuttings from a gardenia plant?
Cut off the green end of the stem that has not hardened into wood yet. Dip the cut end into Root-tone (a plant hormone that you can buy in a garden shop). Put the cutting into some sort of wet substrate like vermiculite that holds water.

Do not put the cutting in direct sun as it will lose too much water and it doesn't have roots to absorb water yet.

You can spray with water from time to time.

In about 10 days, pot the cutting in regular potting soil if it has begun producing roots. Still don't put it in direct sun until it has a chance to develop roots. Keep it watered.
Reply:You could also lay a branch on the ground (potting soil or organic matter - dead leaves optional) and place a brick on the branch. It will root for you, then cut the rooted branch from the "mother" plant and pot it or plant it in the ground. Root stimulator after transplant helps new plantings to thrive. Good luck

bucked teeth

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